
The AgZero+ programme is an ambitious five-year research programme supporting the UK’s transition towards domestic food production that is sustainable, carbon-neutral and has a positive effect on nature. 

It brings together a community of researchers and farmers to evaluate innovative farming methods and to define practical pathways to achieving “net zero plus” arable and livestock farm systems.


Working in partnership

Achieving net zero plus agriculture requires cross-disciplinary research and cross-sector collaboration. AgZero+ is being delivered by experts from leading research institutes in partnership with industry, governments, and charities. The UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology (UKCEH) will lead implementation and support its operation working in partnership with NERC, BBSRC, Rothamsted Research Institute, British Geological Survey, Plymouth Marine Laboratory, and the National Centre for Earth Observation.

UKCEH-logo    Rothamsted Research logo

BGS-logo  NCEO-logo



AgZero+ is funded with £7.8 million from the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) and £5 million from the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC).



The AgZero+ project stems from the ASSIST (Achieving Sustainable Agricultural Systems) programme which was a joint initiative funded by NERC and BBSRC and delivered by The UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology in partnership with Rothamsted Research and British Geological Survey.

ASSIST addressed the challenge of increasing the efficiency of food production without causing unacceptable environmental damage. The programme utilised advances in ground survey, sensor networks, modelling and informatics, and a network of experimental study farms to:

  • Increase efficiency of food production
  • Improve resilience to extreme events
  • Reduce the environmental foot print of agriculture
Hendred in field wildflower strip_demoPAG_CCarvell.jpg

Get involved

We welcome opportunities for you to get involved with AgZero+. New partnerships with the academic community and farming industry to address critical knowledge gaps are particularly welcome. There are many ways to get involved with us.