UKCEH provides a free suite of tools and apps to support sustainable farming. They are designed to help farmers and land managers ensure the planning and delivery of environmental management on their land is supported by the latest scientific data.
Tools for farmers

E-Planner is a free web-based tool that helps farmers and land managers assess the relative suitability of land for a range of environmental outcomes such as:
*Water Resource protection
*Woodland creation
*Sown Winter bird food
*Flower-rich pollinator habitats
*Wet grassland restoration.
*Water Resource protection
*Woodland creation
*Sown Winter bird food
*Flower-rich pollinator habitats
*Wet grassland restoration.

Ecological Status
The Ecological Status Tool provides information on the quality of land for biodiversity. The tool uses national plant and animal observation data collected by citizen scientists to map suitability for different species at the 1 km cell scale. This is then presented as a score reflecting the value of each cell compared to the best cell in local landscapes with similar environmental characteristics

The E-Viewer tool translates the environmental opportunity maps from e-planner into immersive virtual reality worlds. This enables you to explore the look and sounds of new net zero+ landscapes.

E-Surveyor is a free app that helps farmers and landowners to assess the quality of wildlife habitats on the land they manage. The app uses computer vision data to identify plant species and provides information on associated beneficial species. Under AgZero+ we are expanding the capability of the app to identify ground beetles, moths and soil health indicators (worms).

Pesticide exposure risk assessment tool
UKCEH has developed a pesticide pollution risk model that accounts for the risks posed by the whole plant protection programme (PPP) to soil (earthworms), aquatic (water plants) and terrestrial organisms (honeybees).
Practical guide to sustainable farming video series
Our video series from AgZero+ is for farmers who want to know about new farming techniques, biodiversity and everything that goes with that. Through the videos we bring you real life examples and tips on what works and what doesn't.

Soil wetness explorer
UKCEH in collaboration with the Met Office have produced an app showing high resolution (50m) estimates of soil moisture on a monthly (and soon to be daily) basis.

Habitat creation and management for pollinators
New information on important flower resources for bees